Conferences, Seminars, GAs
EUD Annual General Assembly 2019

Our President Mr Loran Ripard Xuereb attended The European Union of the Deaf Annual General Assembly in Bucharest, Romania.
CRPD Round Table Discussion on the participation in political and public life 2019
Loran Ripard Xuereb participated in a round table discussion on the participation in political and public life on behalf of Deaf People Association – Malta to ensure that Deaf people are represented!

EUD Annual General Assembly 2018

Our board member Mr Loran Ripard Xuereb at the EUD – The European Union of the Deaf General Assembly, representing Deaf People Association – Malta in Vienna, Austria.
Congress by Ente Nazionale Sordi - Onlus 2018
Steven Mulvaney in Rome giving a presentation about Malta’s Legal Sign Language recognition during the congress by Ente Nazionale Sordi – Onlus. ENS are also celebrating their 60th anniversary of the International Week of the Deaf

International Day of Sign Languages at UN Geneva 2018
Maltese Sign Language (KLSM) Council members Annabelle Xerri and George Vella represented Malta’s Deaf Community at UN Geneva during the events of the first ever International Day of Sign Languages. They promoted the Maltese Sign Language (LSM) and had the opportunity to meet with various Deaf experts from other countries to discuss and share information about accessibility, sign language, and best practices. They also participated in a number of panels together with other representatives, such as those from the World Federation of the Deaf and EUD – The European Union of the Deaf.
Equal Opportunities and Access with Sign Language Seminar 2016
The seminar gave stakeholders – by which we mean anyone who interacts with Deaf persons – the chance to see the “state-of-play” for Maltese Sign Language, since its official recognition in the unanimously passed Act XVII of 2016. Special guest speaker Dr Humberto Insolera from Italy, an Executive Member of the European Disability Forum and former board member of the EUD – The European Union of the Deaf, gave continental view on the subject.
EUDY Project Training in Malta 2016

Board Member Loran Xuereb Participated in Project Training that was organized by EUDY – European Union of the Deaf Youth in Malta.
WFD General Assembly in Spain 2007
Board Members George Vella and Nicolette Aquilina Cutajar attended The WFD – World Federation of the Deaf General Assembly in Spain.