Online Material

Online Material

Maltese Sign Language Dictionary

The online Maltese Sign Language (LSM) dictionary is intended as an important resource for the Deaf community and all who are learning the language. It should also be useful to LSM interpreters. 

Maltese Sign Language Council Facebook Page

The Maltese Sign Language Council Facebook Page ​is constantly being updated with Maltese Sign Language Videos. 

CRPD - LSM Viewer

To help you learn and remember the signs of Maltese Sign Language, try the CRPD viewer! Just start typing a word or phrase in the box, and matching words will be shown. Click a blue button to see the sign and hear the word.

Maltese Sign Language Book

Maltese Sign Language Book & CD are available from CRPD Offices or can be downloaded here.

TVM Sign Language Videos

PBS in collaboration with DPAM and KLSM has created a project of short videos that will teach members of the public short phrases or words in Maltese Sign Language.

TVM has uploaded some of the videos here


Skoperta is an independent website that’s aim is to share interviews, articles, stories, local and foreign news and other information that might interest the public. 

They are sharing LSM videos. Click here for their first video.