Maltese Sign Language (LSM)

Maltese Sign Language

Il-Lingwa Tas- Sinjali Maltija (LSM)

Il-Lingwa Tas-Sinjali Maltija or Maltese Sign Language (LSM) is the language of the Maltese Deaf Community. 

​On 16 March 2016, the Maltese Parliament approved the Bill declaring that the Maltese Sign Language is to be considered an official language of Malta

Act No. 17 - Maltese Sign Language Recognition Act

Maltese Sign Language Council

Kunsill tal-Lingwa tas-Sinjali Maltija (KLSM)

Following the the Maltese Sign Language Recognition Act the Maltese Sign Language Council was founded in November 2016. 

The purposes of the Council are:
(a) to advise the Minister in all matters related to sign language;
(b) to support research related to sign language;
(c) to support the development of sign language and motivate and enhance the recognition and expression of Maltese Sign Language;
(d) to promote the dynamic development of such linguistic characteristics as identified by the Maltese Deaf community;
(e) in consultation with the Deaf community, adopt a suitable linguistic policy backed by a strategic plan, and ensure that the same are put into practice and observed in all sectors of Maltese life;
(f) to evaluate and co-ordinate the work done by associations and individuals, in Maltese Sign Language sector and to foster an atmosphere of co-operation through a consensual plan;
(g) to seek to obtain financial resources locally and overseas in order to be able to strengthen its activities, especially such resources as are already accessible to local and international organisations for research purposes;
(h) to co-operate with persons, bodies and organisations in the disability sector in order to increase and augment the recognition and appreciation of Maltese Sign Language and cultural activities for the further advancement of Maltese Sign Language;
(i) to prescribe and establish regulations about the standards of competency that a person who is to act as an interpreter of Maltese Sign Language must attain and keep a register of recognised Maltese Sign Language Interpreters;
(j) to undertake such other activities as may be assigned to it by the Minister.

The LSM Manual Alphabet