Current Projects
Muffin (2024 - )
“The Marine, Underwater and Fish For INclusion” project aimed at improving the inclusion of Deaf youth in a marine context, from a museum to an aquarium and schools, creating non-existent new signs for indicating marine species, video documentary, education videos and a best practice manual. Thus, the horizontal priority: Social inclusion is the main backbone of the project, both for the improvement of intellectual products aimed to care for the Deaf, and to promote the inclusion of Deaf people in Europe, through the development of tools that allow access to knowledge of the marine habitats for this group, focusing on the added value of sharing specific knowledge about marine Environment.
The project directly addresses the priority of facilitating access to marine biology and also to improve the skills of different professionals as teachers and interpreters.
Banoffee II (2025 - )
The BANOFFEE II (Birds And Nature Open for Full Fruition, Empowering Everyone) project aims to foster inclusion and accessibility, particularly for those with fewer opportunities, with a strong emphasis on the Deaf community. By implementing dedicated measures to make education, training, and volunteering opportunities more inclusive, BANOFFEE II seeks to create opportunities that are accessible to all, regardless of the hearing ability. Under the guidance of Deaf associations, BANOFFEE II will produce a series of learning outcomes in sign language, including a taxonomy video-dictionary featuring 20 bird species that lack representation in sign language, resulting in 40 learning videos in Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS) and Lingwa tas-Sinjali Maltija (LSM), the Italian and Maltese Sign Languages. Additionally, the project will develop 20 20 short educational videos in the format of mini documentaries – 10 in LIS and 10 in LSM – on the most iconic bird species. These videos will be created by Deaf people for Deaf people, ensuring the authentic use of native sign languages, which have distinct grammar and syntax from spoken languages. This approach guarantees that the materials are truly accessible and promotes inclusivity in learning, making nature education more
inclusive for Deaf individuals. To ensure broader accessibility, these videos will also feature subtitles in the respective spoken languages, facilitating learning for both Deaf and hearing audiences.